Monday, October 26, 2009

Gakyi the Invincible Dog

Have you ever been REALLY bored? I have. My mom was watching the news, my dad was on the computer and today I still don’t know what my sister was doing. Me? I was lying on the couch with the dog barking outside. Finally I was fed up and decided to go play with her gnawed tennis ball. I still remember how it was missing patches of fuzz everywhere. I threw it onto the lawn as hard as I could and followed it.
Wagging her tail she dropped the slime bomb at my feet. Cautiously I picked it up and gladly threw it towards the storage house. She darted at what I considered to be the speed of a race car back then. BUT she went right past the ball to climb the spiral staircase that led to the top of the storage house. Gakyi made the climb of the spiral look easy and after a tiring climb for a 6 year old I found Gakyi still at the speed of a race car chasing her tail. Suddenly using the speed from her last turn she speeded for the edge of the roof and launched over our house’s gate.
At that very moment I did two things. Inside my body, actions and words were running around trying to get through the maze to my mouth. None of them actually made it out of the maze so I just stayed still. Then I realized. My dog had just jumped off a roof! Gakyi had probably broken three of her legs!

In panic I ran back down the spiral staircase and ran in to the house slamming the door as hard as I could to get attention. My mom who was nearby came out asking what I thought I was doing. It took a lot of convincing but she signaled the rest of the family. Like an angry mob we rushed to the street to find an unharmed Gakyi sitting right there waiting. Her stare asked “Hi! What are you looking at?” Then with just some staring as a command she trotted back into the house and continued to bark. Gakyi was one of a kind.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'll bet it was difficult to leave such a wonderful pet behind, Rinzin. To have this story as a memory is a wonderful thing.

Is the pictured pet actually Gakyi?