Monday, May 31, 2010

The Pepsi Generation

Today in class we were moving up in the advertising world to videos. Each person would pick out a video advertisement they liked and other students would watch it. This blog post is about Faqeera's video, The Pepsi Generation.
The purpose of The Pepsi Generation was a simple one. It was to convince people to drink pepsi. It wasn't convincing just any people. This advertisement was targeted at children drinking pepsi and not drinking pepsi. This advertisement I think was effective because it had Michael Jackson dance in it. If people see a celebrity doing something they develop more longing to be the same as them, especially if it's an easy thing to do, and drinking a drink is one of the most simple and easy things to do. The director of this advertisement obviously knew all of this and called in the biggest star of the 80's, when this was filmed.


Matthew said...

Good job Rinzin, your post was alot more detailed than mine.

Anonymous said...

Good job, i also really liked that ad.....