I couldn't fall asleep until I read more and was made sure the characters were safe from the Syren.
In this book, while trying to fly home on Septimus's dragon, Spit Fyre is struck by lightning
and Jenna, Beetle and Septimus crash on the island of the Syren though they don't know it yet.
My favorite part of the book was when Septimus went up to the tower of the Syren with Syrah,
the wizard apprentice sealed off from time, and had to time all his motions and actions
carefully while still holding up his mind shield to make sure the Syren didn't get inside his head
like it did to Syrah.
This book receives 5 stars and deserves more. You can tell this book is go
od because I
finished it in December but all the action and mystery left an imprint in my brain so that I can
write about it now.

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