Yesterday chaos erupted in Haiti as an earthquake hit measuring 7.0 on the
richter scale. The death toll remains unknown but most sources on the
internet say 100,000 people were killed. I don't know how many buildings were destroyed I don't think anyone knows the actual amount considering there was so much damage are done I think the amounts are countless. The image shows a before the earthquake and an after the earthquake scene of the Port-
au-Prince, Haiti's National Palace. I'm going to guess this was probably the sturdiest building in all of Haiti considering the other building images I've seen. Even though the National Palace barely even looks like the same building. The top image looks like it could be the White House( And that's unspeakably good considering how poor Haiti is) however the place in the bottom picture could be a fugitive's hideout. I wonder how Haiti will be able to survive. First the hurricane now this. The US military relief is already headed to Haiti stocked with supplies. But will Haiti be able to live off people's aid forever? I'm not so sure.
Nice writing! Tas dudes
Rinzin, I like this post of yours, despite the disaster that prompted it.I agree with your final idea, that aid will come and they will get their lives put back together somewhat, but how about the long term. Still, the prospects are not good. :-(
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