This book was ok I guess, No wait actually I think it's terrible. This book is really easy and it's supposed to be funny. I've really forgotten why me and other kids read this. On the picture on the right it shows the the author and the book. This book isn't even about a problem or anything, it's just a kid who blabbers about how he hates his life and how his summer sucks.
I don't really have a favorite part of the book seeing that I now despise the whole thing. This book just seemed like a good way to kill a few hours of a plane ride. I was wrong seeing that I finished the 217 page book in 45 minutes. This preposterous lump of paper and scribbles that doesn't deserve to call itself a book receives 1.5 stars from me.
Hey, I think that book is kinda ok. It's not as good as the other "Diary of a Wimpy Kid Books."I would give Dog Days 3 or 2.5 stars
I know what you mean about Diary of a wimpy kid. It is not my favourite book series. Just make sure the aurther sees this post. Remember... he knows where you live.
Yours cheerfully, Matthew.
I have to agree with brandy-boy. This book is ok, but not as good as the rest of the series. I think Jeff is losing his touch a little. - Happy Bunny
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