Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Typhoon Morokat

Typhoon Morokat is the deadliest typhoon the planet earth has seen in 50 years. Over 600 people are dead due to the wrathful storm. Search parties are being sent out to find survivors struggling in the 3 meters of murky rain. Humans are also to blame in this not so natural, natural disaster. Humans have caused global warming and melted glaicers and icebergs , humans have also built buildings washed away in the floods which have knocked over bridges causing hundreds of people to drown.


Anonymous said...

That is pretty disturbing. What do you think humans should do to mitigtae these kinds of disasteers?

Michael said...
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Michael said...

Your writing certainly is capturing the difficulties the Taiwanese were experiencing during the typhoon.

While it may be detached to do so, it is interesting to see how the different facets of the environment combine to create these disasters.

Then when you throw people in the mix, there is sorrow and death.

Nice graphic selection for this writing, Rinzin.