This image represents the suspect. The image shows a man being interrogated by a policeman. This image fits because suspects are always interrogated for their alibi and such.

This image represents the witness. The little girl represents the witness and she witnessed a person murdering another person by gun.

This image represents evidence. You can see an evidence bag in the image above. In a mystery evidence is what will help the detective prove that he/she is right.

This image represents the victim because the woman with the gun pointed at her forehead w
ill probably end up dead and make her the victim in the investigation following her death.

All good mystery stories have suspense. And that's what this image represents. You can add suspense to a story in many ways. Including a car chase which, as you can see, is my picture.
Nice job on the pictures Rinzin I like the pictures especially the suspect and the detective one. Great work!
Nice pictures. I really like the picture suspect picture. Nice work!
Nice post Rinzin. Your descriptions were short and informative. I liked your " person who solves the mystery picture.
Nice post + pictures Rinzin! I like especially the picture of the suspence.. its a bit like Saiges.
Great job Rinzin! I really like the evidence and suspence pictures. they really show the meanings well :)
- InuKag4evr (Maya)
Great job Rinzin!
Nice pics and graphics. good pic about suspence.:-)
Michelle, my photo probably looks like Saige's because I helped her with her blog post.
Nice Rinzin great job on the suspense nice pics
I love the witness picture, great job....
Nice work on this, Rinzin. I liked the last picture, the car chase, as an example of creating drama. Chases are used all the time, whether it is car, boat, by foot...so often.
Did you bring the pics in all at the same size? Similar sizes make for a very even looking post.
Keep up the good work.
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