On friday in English we watched the pilot episode of Pysch. Psych is a mystery show with some comedy tossed in though it still had the elements of mystery. The element that every mystery that every mystery must have is the problem to solve.
In Psych it was the kidnapping of Camden McCallum, who was kidnapped for ransom. Another mystery element you must have is the person who solves the problem. In Psych it was Shawn and Gus. Shawn is the real main character and is posing as a psychic in front of the police. Gus is his best friend and has been since pre-school. Every mystery also has to have a person who started the problem. The weird thing in Psych was the kidnapper of Camden was Camden's friend Ourso and Camden was letting him kidnap him! The entire thing was planned out by Camden and his motivation was to steal some of his father's money. Lots of mysterys also have a twist or a surprise ending. The surprise ending in psych was that Camden's father accidentally killed his son and killed Ourso when he saw. Then Mr. McCallum covered his tracks to make it look like a murder/suicide. Camden's dog saw this all, making it the witness. When Camden's dog saw though it realized that Mr. McCallum was not a good man and so it bit him. The cast on Mr. McCallum's arm covered the wounds from the dog bites which served as evidence.